Sunday, May 6, 2012

Potty Training Wild One (Day Seven)

(27 Months)

What a great training day!  We're back on track.  He only had two pee misses and of course our customary poop in the underwear.  We even did a really quick errand together!  We went to Target this morning to pick up some more big boy underwear, flushable wipes and Play-Doh.  Before we left, I threw a change of underwear and shorts, and a package of wipes in my purse.

When we got there, we went straight to the bathroom and he didn't pee.  Then we raced past the women's clothing section (ooohh, they have their Spring line out- as we dashed past cute shirt after shirt, I kept reminding myself to focus- we're on a mission, get in and get out without dilly dallying).  Wild One had a fun time racing through the store with me, grabbing the wipes, choosing the big boy underwear (Thomas the Train, and Buzz Lightyear), and picking out his favorite Play-Doh colors.  Of course when I go to Target, I never come out with just what is on my list.  Right next to the Play-Doh was an Aqua Doodle Travel Mat.  Hmmm, maybe this will help entice him to sit on the potty for a few extra minutes.  We paid for our goodies, and tried going to the bathroom again (no luck).  Hmmm, I need to either start training him to sit on the big potty or get one of those little potty inserts for the big potty.

As soon as we got home, he peed on his little potty.  From then on, every half hour I reminded him to sit on the potty (I figured asking doesn't work, because he's in his "no" phase) and he peed!  When he didn't have to pee yet, we still had him sit down on the potty for two minutes and then he could go play.  I'd keep checking in with him every five minutes until he peed on the potty.  He did have two misses though.  Now, I just need him to start communicating with me when he has to pee (instead of me reminding him each time).

RECAP OF WEEK ONE-  I was dreading potty training.  As I mentioned, I half-jokingly tried to convince a few of my friends to start a potty training business (and they could use my kidabunks as their practice subjects) and I tossed around the idea of enrolling them in pre-school so that they would have to do the bulk of the work.  It started out wonderfully, he peed on the potty, he was happy, we did a lot of fun activities outside.  He had his little two year old moments of shouts of "no potty, no sit" and refusing to sit on the potty.  We kept doing fun sensory activities.  We had a horrible miss-filled day yesterday and then today was fantastic.

My take away is this- I need to try to remind myself that he's two.  Play is one of his top priorities, peeing on the potty is somewhere between having to take a nap and cleaning up his toys.  If he misses, he misses.  I need to let it roll off my back- however, this is soooo much easier said than done (especially when cleaning up your fifth miss).

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