Thursday, March 6, 2014

Dr. Seuss Week- Daisy Head Maysie

(4 Years)

We borrowed Daisy Head Mayzie from the library and the kids instantly liked it!  This book lends itself to plenty of silliness.  Just add a daisy to, well anything and everything.

Daisy sandwiches

Daisy cups

Practice cutting on a line.  I drew the parts of a daisy and invited the kids to do some cutting and pasting.  They loved it!  Cutting curved lines is great for patience and control, although they kept saying "Look, I'm doing it!"

Practice drawing a daisy.  I drew one and then asked my little ones to draw.  Instead of drawing on paper, we drew on the chalkboard.  Drawing on a vertical surface has so many benefits: it strengthens their hand, wrist and shoulder muscles, promotes good posture, extends their wrist, engages large muscle and small muscle movements simultaneously, allows the child to see the whole picture/writing without being blocked - it's just FUN!  

We made daisy hair clips, but "Princesses don't wear daisies Mom", which was followed by "Pirates don't wear daisies."  I'm so glad I almost Crazy Glued my fingers to the clips.

Oh, as part of my Pinterest Challenge, we made Lisa's (from Quinoa Kale and Exhale) Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookies.  Little Miss doesn't like quinoa, she practically gags on it.  Wild One loves it!  How are these two twins?!?  I thought this would be a fun way of introducing quinoa to her, anything with chocolate is usually an instant favorite with her.  Verdict- Little Miss devoured seven of these!  As she was eating number six, I asked her if she liked the cookies. With a mouthful of cookie, she mumbled "yes".  I then told her that they are quinoa cookies.  She looked at me and smiled and said, "I love quinoa!"  Aaaaahhhh, it was a nice mommy moment.  It completely made up for the clip refusal.

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