Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pinterest Challenge & Sight Word Fun

(4 Years)

So... I'm addicted to Pinterest.  I enthusiastically pin with the anticipation that I'm going to actually do what I pinned.  Well, life gets in the way and there are a lot of pins on my board that I haven't tried yet.  Does that stop me from still spending hours searching for pins that I'd love to do?  Nope, I just keep pinning (guilt free hoarding).  Well, it's time to try all of those great ideas that are filling my boards.

Behold The Pinterest Challenge!  It's actually two parts:
The first part, is to update each pin with a post of our success (that's probably my teacher side coming out, share what works and what doesn't)- did it work, what went wrong, what we would change for next time, and hopefully if I documented it, a link to our post showing how we used the pin.
The second part, is to actually do what I pin (with a post of its success).
No more excuses, every day I need to either update a pin with a post of our success or complete a pin.  

Now, for today's Pinterest Challenge.  I chose to use Classroom Freebie's CVC Word Activity for our sight words.  It has stamping, it has cutting and it has pasting AND it looks easy enough to put together!  I just need ten minutes to set it up.  It was perfect timing, the kids were busy "reading", so I quietly slipped away.  I altered Diane's form slightly to fit our needs.  Instead of "write it" we have a "say it and trace it" column.  Other than that, it's basically the same.

Little Miss was so adorable; as she was tracing each letter, she said the letter slowly.  

Wild One was very quiet as he worked.  Before he glued his letters on the board, he placed each letter on the "trace it" word.  Hmmm, good idea.  I wish I thought of that.

The kidabunks really liked this activity, thank you Diane for a fun way to practice our sight words.  I know we'll be doing this again.  I'm glad we finally tried it.  One pin done.  A little less than 800 pins to go!

While Wild One was finishing up his work.  I gave Little Miss the left over strips of construction paper to glue.  I love how she immediately noticed that the strips are different sizes and she began pasting them in decreasing size order.  A few minutes later, she turned her upside down Christmas tree into a stick collage.

What a productive morning!  Sight word practice, tracing practice, stamping practice, cutting on the line practice, pasting practice and beautiful artwork!  Hmmm, I wonder which pin we will be working on tomorrow.

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