Friday, March 15, 2013

I Spy Past and Present

(37 Months)

Last year I created this I SPY board for Little Miss and Wild One.  We were reinforcing their letter recognition (here is last year's post).  This year, we are using the board to identify letter sounds and also the letters that begin familiar words.  Since we just came back from a family Disney vacation with Grandma, Grandpa, my sister, brother-in-law and their two cousins, I thought we could use their favorite Disney character names and emphasize the first letter sound: Tinkerbell, Perwinkle, Buzz, Woody, Jessie....

Next, we moved over to numbers (because Wild One asked to find numbers instead).  We took turns asking for numbers, he would say a number and then I would get a turn.  On my turn, I would ask for the number that comes next, after or follows his number (if still available, if not I chose a new number).

Then, we worked on finding the letters in our names.  Lastly, we can work on spelling CVC words (cat, hat, sat, mat).

Fun, fun.  I love it when we can repurpose something.  Talk about quick and easy.  Feel free to grab my I SPY board here.

1 comment:

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