Friday, May 17, 2013

Picnic Lunch

(39 Months)

"Momma, can we have a picnic lunch PLEAASE?"  Little Miss asks as we come home from the playground.  I haven't made a muffin tin picnic lunch in almost a year (or at least, I don't think I did).  It's amazing what they remember, I can barely remember to take the laundry out of the washer and toss it into the dryer.

I quickly grab a set of muffin tins and start gathering ingredients.  These little easy-to-carry picnic lunches are not only adorable, but they are great for portion control and to remind me about eating the rainbow.  Plus, they get so excited when they eat out of a muffin tin.
From left to right, top to bottom: Cascadian Farms Fruity O's, peanut butter on wheat bread, milk, Craisins, blueberries and sliced pineapple.

When did they get so big?  I love how Wild One tells me, "See?  I'm bigger now!  I grew, because I  ate a lot of food."

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