Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dr. Seuss Week- Cat in the Hat

(37 Months)

For some reason we don't do a lot with glue sticks.  I'm really not sure why.  They aren't too messy, they are relatively easy to use and you can make wonderful projects relatively quickly.  When I found this Cat in the Hat project using glue sticks, I knew we had to try it.  During nap time, I cut out the pieces and gathered all the materials.  Then when we woke up from nap, I invited them over to make a Cat in the Hat.  They were so excited to be able to use glue sticks.

They first pasted down the face.  Next, the red brim of the hat.  Then, the bow tie.  I asked them to draw Cat's face (and showed them a picture of Cat to remind them what he looks like).  For some reason, that I cannot understand- and I've been trying, they both drew the face upside-down (complete with whiskers).  When Little Miss saw what she finished drawing, she became frustrated and frowned.  I asked her what was wrong and she said it wasn't right.  I asked if she wanted a new face and she said yes.  I let her draw a second face, and again she drew the face upside-down.  On the third time, she started drawing it upside down, and I let her know that the face is upside down.  The fourth time, she decided to put the eyes in the corner of the face (but they were at the top of face).  I don't understand why they drew the face upside-down.  It's a shame she didn't like the first three attempts, because she drew really good faces.   Wild One was perfectly fine with Cat.  After we were done with the project, I asked him where the eyes are on a face on the top or bottom, he answered top.  I had him look at Grandpa, his sister and my faces- and I repeated the question.  Top, top, top.  I asked him to look at his drawing with the eyes on the bottom and asked where he drew the eyes, he said top.  Hmmmm.

The rest of the project went easily, with just reminding Wild One how to hold the glue stick (he was holding it like a pencil so the glue wasn't getting on the paper).  My plan was to discuss patterns, and ask which color came next in the top hat, but we didn't get that far because my mind was too busy trying to determine why they both drew the face upside-down.  A few hours later, Little Miss asked to make another Cat in the Hat.  I asked why and she said, "because I love this, I love this Mommy that's why."  I love her!

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