Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Yarn Easter Eggs

(4 Years)

I've always loved the look of those starched yarn decorations.  I thought it would be a great Easter project.  Glue + mixing + goopy hands = Fun!  Right?

Well... this was a bit harder for us than I thought it would be.  I didn't take into consideration the fine dexterity that is needed.  The ballon is very slippery, due to the glue and water solution, and you need one hand to hold and rotate the balloon while the other hand wraps the saturated yarn in various directions.  It probably is not the best project for a newly-turned four-year old, but he did it (with help).  Would I do it again?  Yes, but we'll wait a few months.

Here's how you do it:
Empty one bottle of glue into a medium bowl.  Fill the empty glue bottle with water and pour that into the same bowl.  This solution was just enough to make three large Easter eggs.

 Stir to combine.

 Add the yarn to the solution.

 I wouldn't recommend using a fork to mix the yarn into the solution, it tangled the yarn.

 Wrap the wet yarn around the balloon.

Wrap in different directions. Remember to leave a little opening to get the popped balloon out.

Wild One's wrapped balloon.  You don't need to saturate the yarn that much.  Wild One liked the goopy feeling and insisted that it "needed" that much glue.

Let dry on waxed paper, turning the balloon over after the top side is dry.  It took two days for our balloons to dry completely.  All that's left to do is to pop the balloon and pull it through one of the openings.  Ta da!  I don't know who was more amazed with the results of this project, the kiddos or my husband!  "Wow, can we do that again?!"

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